Test Suite

The default Wordless theme is shipped with preconfigured test suite.

The test suite is implemented using the awesome WPBrowser and thus Codeception.


By default Wordless is configured to run acceptance (aka integration or e2e or browser) test suite alone. If you’d like to run functional or unit suites, you’ll simply have to update the yarn test script accordingly in package.json file.

Quick start

Add tests to the tests/acceptance/WPFirstCest.php file or write your own file in the same folder.

To run acceptance test suite you have to start the test server in one terminal

yarn test:server

and in another terminal let’s actually run tests:

yarn test

While test will simply run acceptance test suite, test:server is a variant of the default server task which load different Procfile and .env files.

Where are test configurations?

  • test/ folder. This is where your test suites lay.
  • PHP dependencies declared in composer.json file shipped within the theme. This will create a /vendor folder inside the theme whilist yarn setup task
  • custom wp-config.php. This will be helpful to autodymagically (automatically, dynamically, magically; just in case you were wondering 🙄) switch from development to test database whilist test suite execution
  • 2 test related node scripts: yarn test:server and yarn test. Obviously declared inside package.json
  • a test database on your local machine called $THEME_NAME_test (where $THEME_NAME is the chosen name during Wordless’ installation process) is created whilist yarn setup task
  • ad hoc Procfile.testing, .env.testing and .env.ci
  • ready-to-go .gitlab-ci.yml file into the project root


vendor/ folders are ignored in .gitignore by default

How should I write tests?

This documentation is not intended to giude you thourgh testing concepts nor on Codeception’s syntax. You can already find great documentation and I advice you to start from

where you will find Wordpress specific methods and links to base Codeception’s methods all in one place.

Factory template

The only thing Wordless actually adds to the default WPBrowser’s setup is a FactoryHelper class, which is intended to create factory methods and which already integrates Faker.

Take a look at its haveOnePost() method to understand the simple concept behind the factory.


We ship default configuration for GitLab by putting a .gitlab-ci.yml file in you project’s root folder.

That is configured to run out-of-the-box. And if you use other CI’s products you can use it as a starting point for your own configuration and then delete it without any regard :)