The Fast Way

  • write your SCSS in src/stylesheets/screen.scss
  • write your JS in src/javascripts/application.js

and all will automagically work! :)

A real explanation

Wordless has 2 different places where you want to put your assets (javascript, css, images):

  • Place all your custom, project related assets into src/*
  • Since you are backed by Webpack, you can use NPM (node_modules) to import new dependencies following a completely standard approach

Custom assets

They must be placed inside src/javascript/ and src/stylesheets/ and src/images/.

They will be compiled and resulting compilation files will be moved in the corresponding dist/xxx folder.

Compilation, naming and other logic is fully handled by webpack.

Images will be optimized by image-minimizer-webpack-plugin. The default setup already translates url s inside css/scss files in order to point to images in the right folder.

Take a look to the default screen.scss and application.js to see usage examples.

See also

Code compilation


You can use node modules just as any SO answer teaches you :)

Add any vendor library through YARN with

yarn add slick-carousel

Then in your Javascript you can do


or if the library exports ES6 modules you can do

import { export1 } from "module-name";

and go on as usual.


Wordless ships with pre-configured linting of SCSS using Stylelint.

It is configured in .stylelintrc.json, you can add exclusion in .stylelintignore; all is really standard.

The script yarn lint is pre-configured to run lint tasks.


Code linting could be chained in a build script, e.g.:


Code linting could be integrated inside a Wordmove hook


You can force linting on a pre-commit basis integrating Husky in your workflow.